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Dottie Sandusky Accomplice Liability

Thanks again to your family for allowing us to look into your criminal acts and hopefully, many will learn from your actions. I also hope we will get laws changed in this country that prosecutes accomplice’s of child abuse. When the light is shed upon actions that are newsworthy we are able to explore and in many of our case, exploit it to benefit the well being of others. In this case, the well being of creating awareness for victims and allowing accomplice to be aware we are going to change laws to protect victims.

Dottie, as you have sent your personal request to the judge, I send my personal request to you. Seek counseling, I’m certain you can obtain what’s needed for you to open the suppressed memory. That’s what happens when we have a traumatizing event occur. We are traumatized from being abused ,some victims keep the memories of the event in the present playing it over and over in our heads,analyzing and asking ourselves why did this happen to me. Others suppress the memory to forget it, they block it out for many years unconsciously changing their lives and who they are. Women that know of the abuse and do nothing have a pattern, they lie on a constant basis to protect the abuser, they even lie on the children, making them the problem, creating negative thoughts and behaviors on the children. You must say to yourselves, other coaches walked in on the abuse of these children, they did nothing but close the door, and pass the buck. Dottie, do you think of the message that was sent, It’s ok to be a victim and adults didn’t care to protect me. The reality as they didn’t care nor do you, you continue denying the charges and not allowing the healing of the victims.You the accomplice do this for a few reasons, 1. they look the other way, it is more important to protect your financial future than it is to stand for what’s morally right no matter what or who gets hurt. 2. Mental illness the pathological deviation from normal thinking. You have chosen to accept that this is the way its going to be. Learned behavior is established after a pattern has been created for 6 months or better. Women like you, feel the children were from underprivileged families and it would change their views on life to be in the company of such a wonderful public figure, the perfect American family. Denying the existence of the children, identifying them as having problems in school, being identified as bad, worthless,burdensome, were you unconcerned about the children, did you overtly reject the children. Accomplice sometimes shows irrational or bizarre behavior, they abuse alcohol, drugs even prescription drugs to cope with ignoring the fact that your spouse or you are an abuser. Did the kids wet the beds in your home, were they having difficulty walking or sitting. As most abuse accomplice you ignored the signs and the children. No matter who you are, how much money you make that behavior is unaccetable. As of today I will start a petition to change the laws in this country that will allow accomplice of child abuse be charged, that includes spouses, partners and so on. Yes, this is personal. always love Teresa

4 thoughts on “Dottie Sandusky Accomplice Liability

  1. I love your powerful and insightful letter Teresa. Her voice is that of a denier, an accomplice–someone who has chosen dishonesty and delusion over the rights of so many children, including her own. What stood out to me is that she says in her letter “We have forgiven him many times for all he has done to our family…” and in this she was not referring to her serial child molester husband, but their son. She and her husband have “forgiven” their son who he also sexually abused, but apparently not anymore–as long as he would play the game that his mental illness problems came from nowhere and they were a happy family, he could be forgiven, but she draws the line at him telling the truth! Sadly that’s very typical. Accomplices should be prosecutable under the law, I support your initiative!


    1. We must change laws to protect people from being abused. Yes, it is sad but typical of accomplices. The mental illness in that family I will say it has been a generational curse. Jerry Sandusky’s mother or father was also an abuser. I must continue to question Dottie’s background to attract to a man with such an abusive past. We want to continue to expose family secrets, Dottie as well as Jerry will take the truth to the grave. Their son, will probably be the one to stand up for justice. He is like one of us, dehumanized by his family. His own mother publicly threw him under the bus, and society has made it ok!


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